Friday, July 8, 2011

And it's summer...

So we are finally just past the halfway mark of this deployment and it feels like the end can't come soon enough! I have been trying to find things to keep me busy. But it has been some great friends that help me stay entertained and not bored wether it's been the countless minutes chatting with me on the phone or inviting me to family activities and games. Thank you to those friends, I don't know what I would do without you! I hear from Casey fairly often depending on the schedule over there, his company has been keeping busy with mission after mission, but I guess that it is good for them to keep really busy to pass the time quicker, even though it means less talk time with me. Nothing really eventful has gone on since Cinderella but I have a forever growing list of books to read that I am trying to tackle so that should keep me somewhat busy.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm off to the ball!

Well, the last few weeks have been busy and eventful. Between Cinderella rehearsals and Varsity I have found myself like the energizer bunny, just keeps going and But I am not complaining too much since it does keep me busy and occupied. During these busy times there still has been time for drama and turmoil with friends. It has been hard to feel like I wasn't able to be a good friend but circumstances made it necessary to step back and let the prieces fall where they were supposed to. Was also uplifted and spiritually fed with General Conference. The messages that were given left me with the feeling of peace. Well, I am tired and don't think I can wait any longer for hubby to call. Goodnight

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The boring days of our lives!

Well here I am, nothing new really going on.  I am resting up and getting ready to start those rehearsals next week for Cinderella.  I am looking forward to it but also nervous because I really don't know what the heck i am doing!  But I will make it through and just have fun with it.  Casey has been doing ok, been keeping busy with missions making it hard to find time to call often, but when he gets the time to call I love hearing his voice and know that he is ok.  I am going to go in and get a new phone tomorrow since I am now eligible for an upgrade which I am very excited about, I hate my phone!  And that is about it for now, anything new and exciting pops up into my life I will let you all know!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to my Life

My name is Krystal and my husband is Casey.  We are in the Army, so our life is one adventure after another.